Category: Snippets

  • Update Access VBA Saved Imports Exports: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Updating Access VBA saved imports exports is essential when dealing with external data sources. This step-by-step guide will show you how to update Access VBA saved imports exports by dynamically changing the file path within your import/export specifications. In this article, we’ll walk through a powerful VBA script that allows you to update Access VBA…

  • ReturnName

    Function ReturnName(ByVal num As Integer) As String ReturnName = Split(Cells(, num).Address, “$”)(1) End Function

  • DeleteInitialColumnsFromWorksheet

    Note: This function depends on ReturnName Sub DeleteInitialColumnsFromWorksheet( _ ws As Worksheet, _ NumberOfColumns As Integer _ ) With ws .Columns( _ ReturnName( _ 1 _ ) & _ “:” & _ ReturnName( _ NumberOfColumns _ ) _ ).Delete _ Shift:=xlToLeft End With End Sub

  • GetFilePath

    Public Function GetFilePath( _ sFullFileNameWithPath As String _ ) As String Dim fs As Object Set fs = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) GetFilePath = _ fs.GetAbsolutePathName( _ sFullFileNameWithPath _ ) End Function

  • GetFileNameFromFullPath

    Public Function GetFileNameFromFullPath( _ sFullFileNameWithPath As String _ ) as String Dim fs As Object Set fs = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) GetFileNameFromFullPath = _ fs.GetFilename( _ sFullFileNameWithPath _ ) Set fs = Nothing End Function

  • GetBaseName

    Public Function GetBaseName( _ sFullFileNameWithExtension As String _ ) Dim fs As Object Set fs = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) GetBaseName = _ fs.GetBaseName( _ sFullFileNameWithExtension _ ) Set fs = Nothing End Function

  • TransferFontProperties


    Public Sub TransferFontProperties( _ rngSource As Range, _ rngTarget As Range _ ) Dim sf As Font Set sf = rngSource.Font With rngTarget.Font .Name = sf.Name .Size = sf.Size .Strikethrough = sf.Strikethrough .Superscript = sf.Superscript .Underline = sf.Underline .Color = sf.Color .Italic = sf.Italic .TintAndShade = sf.TintAndShade .Subscript = sf.Subscript .Bold = sf.Bold End With…

  • TrimRange


    Public Function TrimRange( _ rngSource As Range, _ Optional TrimTop As Integer = 0, _ Optional TrimBottom As Integer = 0, _ Optional TrimLeft As Integer = 0, _ Optional TrimRight As Integer = 0 _ ) As Range Set TrimRange = _ rngSource.Offset( _ rowoffset:=TrimTop, _ columnoffset:=TrimLeft _ ).Resize( _ rngSource.Rows.Count – TrimTop -…

  • VBComponentNameIsUnique


    Public Function VBComponentNameIsUnique( _ wb As Workbook, _ strInputName As String _ ) As Boolean Dim vbc As VBComponent VBComponentNameIsUnique = True For Each vbc In wb.VBProject.VBComponents If vbc.Name = strInputName Then VBComponentNameIsUnique = False End If Next vbc End Function

  • MatchesPattern


    Public Function MatchesPattern( _ strInputTest As String, _ strInputPattern As String, _ Optional IgnoreCase As Boolean = True, _ Optional IsGlobal As Boolean = True _ ) As Boolean On Error GoTo Catch Dim objRegExp As New RegExp Set objRegExp = Nothing objRegExp.IgnoreCase = IgnoreCase objRegExp.Global = IsGlobal objRegExp.Pattern = strInputPattern MatchesPattern = objRegExp.Test( _…